Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tidal Offerings

As the ocean waves recede, small stones, shells 
and sometimes little sea creatures are left on the beach. They form a temporary statement and only last until the next wave washes them away, mimicking much of life. 


21 Wits said...

Your photo waiting for a wave is stunning, and a view that should be seen every morning! Is that feature of the changing photos new? I'm seldom on this computer and never noticed it until today! Very nice. As is this photo! At first I was going to ask if you set that photo up, but in reading it seems not. That really makes it even better!

TexWisGirl said...

very much like people passing through our lives - and us for them.

S. Etole said...

How quickly things can change. Glad you caught this when you did.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot, Steve! I could see this on a motivational poster for sure.

Anonymous said...

And sometimes a dock from Japan is left on the beach and it won't budge.