Saturday, April 27, 2013

A walk in the woods

This Thursday was the end of the annual Islip Arts Council's "Long Island Color" show held at the Seatuck Environmental Education center. The center is on a great property with all sorts of wildlife it is on the Great South Bay in Islip.
I've walked these trails before, it's a very calming walk. The property was once owned by someone who loved Rhododendron, there are hundreds, many be thousands of plants on the property. Unfortunately,  most of the leaves are turning brown and dying.  I thought it was from the Superstorm Sandy's tide surges of salt water. But one of the environmentalists said they believe it's from the higher salt water tables getting to the roots and the deer eating the saplings. 
It's eerie enough to walk among the towering Rhododendrons, but as I turned along a path, I was shocked to see what looked to be strips of papers hanging from the bush.

As I got closer I noticed each were tags made by school children. Things like stick-figure people with a giant flower, one said "The World is Good" and other notes to mother nature.
I felt good to see that someone took their class into the trails to see the peace and tranquility there. It was awesome to read what the children had to say.


TexWisGirl said...

aww. that's neat.

Anonymous said...

we can do this..we can leave a tag.
what are you going to write on yours?

Anonymous said...

did you make a tag? neither.
maybe though.

S. Etole said...

what a fun idea.