Shopping Self-Portrait
The whole family went for a walk through Southampton Village. Thankfully, no one was trampled or crushed to death as shoppers tried to buy clothing off the 60% rack outside Harmont & Blaine. Really, we were just window-shopping. Sixty percent off of seven hundred dollars was just a little out of reach for a mid-length light spring jacket.
The boys and I did purchase CD’s at Long Island Sound. After the article in the Press about him closing his other store, we were all feeling like we should buy something. This might be the last year for a freestanding independent music retailer in our town. Adam purchased a George Carlin CD, I picked up Mindy Smith’s Long Island
Shores. Sorry Mindy, it was in the used rack. And Brian picked up something for his girlfriend.
After looking at $125.00 neckties and $200.00 belts, I saw this mirror in a shop window and made this image. I lowered the camera so the viewer could see both my eyes. It’s not the ultimate self-portrait, but it’s ok for now.