Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pick a color

Well the visit is over. I'm home. The visit was nice. It's great to see my brothers, my sister and my parents. My parents are looking good even though they are getting older. It breaks my heart to see my father so immobile.

I can't see myself ever living in Florida. Just too well manicured for my taste. And I like the four seasons. Today's post is the development my sister lives in. This is not all of Florida. I couldn't include my sisters house because she had a garden hose hanging on the wall under the house number... damn New Yorkers!


Jinksy said...

At least most places in England retain a higgldy-piggldy look that gives each home a character of its own - though there are a few estates which go for sameness. Maybe time will do the same to this street eventually.

S. Etole said...

where are all the squirrels?????

Hilary said...

It looks a bit like a copy, paste and duplicate (a few times). The garden hose comment made me laugh. :)

Mrs. E said...

I would never know which shade was mine! (Can you imagine being color blind?!)