I made these two photos today while waiting for an event to start. This kitchen is in a senior center and Brenda runs the place. She always make me carrot cake muffins whenever she knows I'm coming there. Today the kitchen was closed. I was amazed at how clean everything was; usually the place is so busy you can't focus on the small stuff. Today, I was able to roam around and look at things and make a couple of photos.
Both are HDR photos processed with Photomatix Pro. Both were made with the Canon 5dmkII.
Wow.. you've managed to capture the light in a way that makes the kitchen look both cold and warm at the same time.
that ladles shot captures my attention ...
Love the ladles!
I love all things food and kitchen, these are fabulous .
The ladles are incredible.
Cool post processing
i really love these both! especially the second. wonderful captures, steve!
actually, steve, i changed my mind. may i add this one to ...shhhh instead? i'm just going to grap it. let me know if it's not okay.
this is one of my all-time favorite photos.
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